30. jun. 2019
Reflections from 10 years of charting my menstrual cycle
On June 10th I celebrated the 10 years anniversary of my always growing love story with Fertility Awareness and the menstrual cycle! In...
177 visninger
26. nov. 2018
4 common mistakes when using Natural Birth Control
Using Fertility Awareness for natural birth control is an amazing and effective option for achieving natural, chemical-free contraception...
333 visninger
15. okt. 2018
5 Myths about Natural Birth Control
When speaking about Fertility Awareness, I often meet a few common misconceptions - about how the method works and whether or not it is...
197 visninger
4. apr. 2018
Why Natural Cycles doesn't work - and why Fertility Awareness does
For the last couple of weeks the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been in the lime light, with claims that many women using the...
562 visninger
21. mar. 2018
My story
Welcome, dear reader, to my newly hatched blog. Here I will share my knowledge and experience on topics of Fertility Awareness, holistic...
136 visninger