- 30. jun. 2019
Reflections from 10 years of charting my menstrual cycle
On June 10th I celebrated the 10 years anniversary of my always growing love story with Fertility Awareness and the menstrual cycle! In...
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- 4. mai 2019
Being Aware of Our Cycles - an interview with Siri M. Kalla
This interview was originally published in Hauste Magazine. Siri Kalla is the first certified Fertility Awareness educator in Norway and...
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- 1. mar. 2019
Learning to listen to our menstrual cycles
Every day our menstrual cycles are communicating important information about what is going on in our bodies. As discussed in previous...
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- 26. nov. 2018
4 common mistakes when using Natural Birth Control
Using Fertility Awareness for natural birth control is an amazing and effective option for achieving natural, chemical-free contraception...
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- 15. okt. 2018
5 Myths about Natural Birth Control
When speaking about Fertility Awareness, I often meet a few common misconceptions - about how the method works and whether or not it is...
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- 3. sep. 2018
Menstruation - why it does not have to be a curse
I used to have so heavy cramps that I dreaded my menstruation. My monthly bleed meant two days of being bed-bound, in cold-sweating...
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- 1. jun. 2018
5 possible causes (and solutions) to PMS
When I started charting my menstrual cycles 9 years ago, one of the biggest revelations I got was that the "crazy times" that I regularly...
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- 4. apr. 2018
Why Natural Cycles doesn't work - and why Fertility Awareness does
For the last couple of weeks the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been in the lime light, with claims that many women using the...
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- 21. mar. 2018
My story
Welcome, dear reader, to my newly hatched blog. Here I will share my knowledge and experience on topics of Fertility Awareness, holistic...
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