- 26. nov. 2018
4 common mistakes when using Natural Birth Control
Using Fertility Awareness for natural birth control is an amazing and effective option for achieving natural, chemical-free contraception...
329 visninger
- 26. nov. 2018
4 common mistakes when using Natural Birth Control
Using Fertility Awareness for natural birth control is an amazing and effective option for achieving natural, chemical-free contraception...
4 visninger
- 26. nov. 2018
4 common mistakes when using Natural Birth Control
Using Fertility Awareness for natural birth control is an amazing and effective option for achieving natural, chemical-free contraception...
5 visninger
- 4. apr. 2018
Why Natural Cycles doesn't work - and why Fertility Awareness does
For the last couple of weeks the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been in the lime light, with claims that many women using the...
507 visninger
- 4. apr. 2018
Why Natural Cycles doesn't work - and why Fertility Awareness does
For the last couple of weeks the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been in the lime light, with claims that many women using the...
15 visninger
- 4. apr. 2018
Why Natural Cycles doesn't work - and why Fertility Awareness does
For the last couple of weeks the fertility tracking app Natural Cycles has been in the lime light, with claims that many women using the...
15 visninger